Thursday, November 15, 2012

Digital Marketing As Part of Your PR Campaign

Many people use Digital Media on a daily basis nowadays without even thinking about it, this could include websites, search engines, Facebook, twitter, and all other social media and networking sites. with the increase in popularity of these sites on devices such as mobile phones and tablets, digital marketing is becoming more and more important for any public relations campaign.
A good place to start when planning your Digital Media campaign for a product or service is to build up a social media base. Look into which social media sites would be suitable for the product or service you are promoting rather than signing up to all of them just for the sake of it. For example, if you sell high end financial products, a Facebook campaign may not be the way to go due to the fact that Facebook is aimed at a younger audience and having fun, However LinkedIn is aimed at the business market so it would be perfect. Do your research and ensure that whichever sites you sign up to are relevant. It is also important to maintain your social media campaign, there is no point just signing up to these sites and then sitting back and doing nothing, make sure you post regular updates.
A good social media campaign will also involve a number of sites including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. Sharing your websites content on these platforms will help to greatly increase your visibility, and promote your products and services. It is also possible to link these sites to your website, which will increase traffic and hopefully sales.
You should also look at Search Engine Optimisation as part of your Digital Marketing Campaign. Having a website that is ranking well within the search engine results pages is a vital part of any work you do. Search Engine Optimisation can be time consuming so consider hiring an SEO company to take care of this for you, just be aware of some of the companies out there that charge extortionate rates.
It's also important that you monitor your Digital PR campaigns closely, and keep an eye on what is working and what isn't
One of the most important things to do before starting up your digital media campaign is to do your research and decide on how you would like your campaign to run. Then write out a detailed plan and ensure you stick to it.
Clareville Communications are a PR Agency based in Fulham, London. We can run business to business, consumer, digital, editorial and many other types of Public Relations campaigns for you.
Visit our website at for more information.
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